To reduce risks of vehicle damage to home owners, and to reduce the risks of accidents to the public during the anticipated traffic congestion in the upcoming years with the Highway 183 expansion, the exit spikes were refurbished and the warning sign was renovated and returned to service.
These actions were taken to protect home owners vehicles and the public and reduce the Associations liability.
The Association has located the original manufacturer of the traffic spikes at the rear of the community (Delta Scientific) and has purchased replacement parts to refurbish (rather than replace) all four units.
The Association hired out the labor locally to replace all of the teeth, springs, and axles which has now been completed. The total cost was $3,200 parts and $500 labor vs the $6,000 that was originally bid by traffic services providers and budgeted for replacement.
When the exit is modified for the Highway 183 expansion, the Association will only purchase new casings.
Traffic spike systems require annual serving (cleaning and oiling) and should perform without major repair for 7-10 years. The Association located the original manufacturer (Delta Scientific) of the traffic spikes at the rear of the community and purchased replacement parts to refurbish (rather than replace) all four units.
The manufacturer makes the following safety recommendations - a) it is extremely important that traffic spikes are installed in an area that is illuminated and clearly marked with warning signs to increase awareness for potential danger, b) traffic must be slowed to a cautious speed prior to crossing the traffic spikes to avoid accidents and excessive wear and tear on hardware or damage to vehicles, c) speed-bumps should be installed where additional speed control is desired, d) traffic spikes must always be installed at a 90° angle to traffic, e) regular inspection and removal of dirt, debris, gravel, and rock is required in order to keep traffic spikes functioning properly (neglecting to regularly clean dirt and debris from inside traffic spikes is the number one cause of excessive spring breakage and malfunction), f) traffic spikes should only be used in a areas where traffic can be slowed to a maximum of 5 miles before crossing. More information from the manufacturer.
Residents are reminded to cross the bumps at speeds no greater than 5 MPH as tire damage may result at higher speeds.