As the community approached 25 years in age, the unplanned diversity - mismatching garage doors, roofs, fences, front doors - motivated the owners to take action and a slow, steady, phased-in architectural compliance / recovery effort was initiated. The effort has been very successful. The history is described here:
Architectural compliance has been tracked by the association since 2009 to keep track of grandfathered exceptions - violations that existed in 2013 only need to be resolved when work is done on the part of the house in violation. For example, if a home has had a garage door in violation, they only have to correct the violation when the garage door is being repaired.
Please remember to submit every exterior repair for review. The purpose of this approval is to insure that Members are aware of the building standards and design requirements and to prevent BS&DS violations. Everyone wants to avoid rework and violation fines!.
Violations and Violation Fines
When a violation is discovered, owners will be notified in writing and that notifications will be delivered by:
certified mail |
general mail |
posted on a primary entrance of the house
The notice shall specify the violation, the time allowed to cure (30 days), the date and amount of any pending violation fines, a contact phone number and an address for correspondence. Failure to receive a notice of noncompliance is not a de facto approval.
The monthly violation fine shall be the greater of (1) 17% of the estimated cost to repair make the repair or (2) 4.2% of the annual assessment rate. No fines shall be assessed after a violation or infraction has been cured or corrected. Any assessed fine prior to the cure shall remain payable to the Association. The total cumulative fine on any volition or infraction shall not exceed 200% of a reasonable cost to correct the violation
An owner may dispute a notice of violation, the period of time allowed to cure, or a violation fine within `15 days of receiving notice;
Click folders to see violation lists, photos, letters
Benchmarking roofs: Since 2013 when voluntary standards (and later mandatory standards) went into effect, there has been 100% compliance. Since 2009 the community has improved from 35% of roofs matching the builders standard to 82%. Thanks go out to all 45 owners who installed Heather Blend manufactured by the CertainTeed Corporation and made this possible.
Currently 105, 1601, 1607, 1609, 1612, 1903, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1917, 1919, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2015, and 2021 do not meet the standard and will need to change when they make their next roof replacement. The red color signifies homes that put in the wrong roof material after the mandatory standards / legal requirements were adopted.
Benchmarking garage doors: Since 2013 when mandatory standards went into effect, there has been only one compliance violation. Currently, 47% of homes comply with the community required standard.
One home replaced a compliant door with a non-compliant door; 1900 Wilshire.
Currently 100, 102, 104, 109, 110, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 1500, 1502, 1506, 1510, 1512, 1522, 1526, 1604, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1615, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1621, 1623, 1900, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1919, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021 will need to change styles to meet the standard when they make their next door replacement (yellow). The red color signifies homes that put in paneled doors after the mandatory standards / legal requirements were adopted for flat panel doors.
Grandfathered variances have been documented by satellite and ground photo
Click photo to enlarge
Benchmarking lampposts: 70% of the community has lamp posts which measure +80" and are in full compliance. There are 9 posts in the subdivision are very short - between 66'' and 70'' and way below standard of +80" that need to be elevated when they are repaired: 101, 103, 105, 119, 121, 1506, 1508, 1510, and 1518. These posts are grandfathered and will need to be taller when repairs are necessary.
We have 5 lampposts that are in violation of the standrads; 4 that are broken or missings parts (1500, 1909, 1615, 1617) and 1 that was repaired by shortening it below the standard length.
Note: The Association upkeep on the bulbs and sensors is going well. On average, 99% of the working lamp post are burning each night, up from 76% when homeowners where changing bulbs. Properly functioning light sensors is about 94%.
Benchmarking fences: The owners have made a lot of progress with fences as new installations with top rails and in the BlackFox color are seen more and more.
There are currently two new fences (1501, 1607) that need to be painted/stained. The Association is working closely to get these fences resolved.
Benchmarking paint Color: As of the annual paint cycle in 2016, 100% of the community matches in color - Sherwin William's Toasty with BlackFox trim. It has taken eight years to phase in the new colors.
Visible Satellite Dishes: Many satellite dishes are still visible from the street - quite a few are not even in service - just remnants from another time.
Current violators include: 112, 116, 1500, 1501, 1510, 1512, 1604, 1610, 1615, 1619, 1620, 1909, 1913, 2009, and 2011.
The Association is working with owners to get this devices relocated or removed. Service providers typically move dishes at no charge for active services. If it is a "dead dish", please contact the board. We are arranging for a dish removal weekend - $20 per removal - to help expedite the clean-up.
History of Beverly Oaks Architectural Control
As the community approached 25 years in age, the unplanned diversity - mismatching garage doors, roofs, fences, front doors - motivated the owners to take action and a slow, steady, phased-in architectural compliance / recovery effort was initiated.
2006: An ACC committee was formed (4 owners at-large) to study the problem, take inventory, research materials/colors. This website was originated in 2006 by the ACC committee as a means to share information, solicit feedback and ideas on solving the problem from 2006 - 2009.
2009: Voluntary guidelines were established at a mid-year meeting of the owners.
2011: Owners vote to establish architectural standards (Building Standards and Design Requirements). Building standards were initially identified for roofs, garage doors, and fences.
2012: After four community-wide meetings on the amendments, the owners voted to make the architectural standards legally binding as part of the deed restrictions for every home and tasked the Association to communicate, enforce these requirements and benchmark progress. Building standards were expanded to include roof, siding and trim, garage doors, fences, front doors, windows, and satellite dishes and antennas. Design standards were established for paint and lampposts.
Phase-in: As discussed in the four community-wide meetings, enforcement would be phased-in so that the community could comfortably come up to speed. The initial focus was education and roofs. It then rolled out to garage doors (getting them to match in color and style, helping owners with vender selection). Enforcement of lampposts, fences and satellite dishes was phased-in during 2014.
There has been 100% compliance on roof and garage doors, roof, siding and trim, garage doors, fences, front doors, and windows since the mandatory requirements went into effect in 2013. As neighbors, we worked together.
2017 - 2019: The owners approved a violation fine program as an additional incentive for architectural compliance and to get the Association a tool to address the very few owners who have refused to comply with the standard. The violation fines went into effect on May 1, 2019.