Beverly Oaks Homeowners Association Mail and Traffic Surveyto be completed before November 10, 2017 You will receive a confirming copy of your choices by e-mail. If you do not receive the confirmation within 5 minutes, please respond again.
Yes No Not answered When do you most often expect to pick up your mail during the week? This information is needed to schedule when the door will be open. We all want the doors to be closed as much as possible.
SELECT ONE 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 - 4:00
When do you most often expect to pick up your mail during the weekend? This information is needed to schedule when the door will be open. We all want the doors to be closed as much as possible.
How many USPS packages do you estimate you will receive in 2018? Please make a best guess based on how many packages you received in the last year.
- Enter a number (e.g., 30)
How often do you find other resident's mail in your mail box? Please select the first option that applies.
SELECT ONE Often daily Often once or more a week Often once or more a month 6 - 12 times a year 1-5 times a year Never
How often do you receive mail more than a week after the postmark? Select the first option that applies.
SELECT ONE Often daily Often once or more a week Often once or more a month 6 - 12 times a year 1-5 times a year Never I don't know
Are you willing to be a mail room monitor? This involves light oversight of the mail room such as receiving "open door" alerts on your phone, emptying the recycle bin when it occasionally overfills between regular emptying by the lawn service, occasional sweeping of leaves, etc.
Yes No Not answered
Section 2: Package Delivery How many common courier packages (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) do you estimate you will receive in 2018? Make a best guess based on how many packages you received in the last year.
- Enter a number (e.g., 30). Put "0" if none.
Have you had any package-theft or package non-delivery in the last two years?
Yes No Not answered If "yes", how many times have you had package-theft or package non-delivery?
- Enter a number (e.g., 2). Put "0" if none. Have you ever chosen to have packages delivered to an Amazon locker or DHL locker located at a convenience stores, mall, or other location? Yes No Not answered Have you ever chosen to have packages delivered to work? Yes No Not answered Would you have package deliveries made to the mail center? Assuming the door will be closed 16 hours a day with password entry (only when closed), and has security camera monitoring. Yes Possibly No Not answered Would you have package deliveries made to the mail center? Assuming the door will be closed 24 hours a day with password entry only, there is security camera monitoring, and you receive a text message alert when packages are delivered. Yes Possibly No Not answered
Section 3: Community Traffic There has been significant effort in the last few years to reduce drive-through traffic (trespassing) and each step has been effective in reducing the traffic.
What has been learned, however, is that the traffic starts to increase if volunteers don't reinforce the community's rights, and that it taken much less effort to maintain a low traffic condition than it took to end a high traffic situation. Do you support continuation of traffic management?
Continue Let the traffic go through Not answered