Entry Garden Renovations

After 22 years the entry was looking old and tired. Many of the shrubs were overgrown and woody. The Asian Jasmine had invaded the shrubs from below and the trees were heavily covered with vines. There was heat damage and some of the shrubs had a scale infestation. It was a bigger project than anticipated.

In phase I the overgrown and diseased
plants were removed and the garden was replanted with more colorful flowering shrubs - Kaleidoscope® Abelia, Purple Diamond® Loropetalum and 'Clara' Indian Hawthorne. All three shrubs will flower in the spring (white) and have red, green, yellow, and gold foliage during the seasons.

Two tons of topsoil were used to mound the flower bed to give a fuller look. The bed is now trimmed with boxwood to make the plantable area smaller. Smaller beds will reduce the on ongoing seasonal color expenses

In phase II, the invasive vines and trees from the backyard at 1500 Brentwood were cleared and the Youpon trees were clipped up to expose more of the brick wall and topped down to make them equal in size.

Eleven new sealed light heads on 2 foot risers were installed to replace the unreliable open system that required monthly servicing. The iron railings were also treated and painted.

April 2009

November 2012 (Phase I)

December 2013 (Phase I)(

Updated 11/17/12


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